Monday, March 20, 2006

An Old Favorite

I don't remember if it was my mom who made this for us or not, but I definitely remember eating it before. For some odd reason this cake came to mind and I made it for Gary. He said he had never even heard of it before. Jell-o Poke Cake is a really great cake. It isn't one of those fancy shmancy recipe cakes that I so love to make, but it sure did hit the spot. The kids didn't care for it because they said it was kinda gross. I liked it and Gary did too. I liked that it was a light cake and wasn't all that sweet. It is a good cake to make if you don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen and want something "cool" for dessert. I used the Mixed Fruit flavor of jello, but I can only imagine how delicious this would taste with Peach or Orange!!

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